Bonjour. There's a french salutation to your french slop.
Sorry. Had to start things out the nerdy way. Thank you, Shakespeare, for corrupting me years and years after you're dead. Yeah, y'all know I'm gonna run off and watch Romeo and Juliet after I'm done here.
Anyway. That's beside the point. Today, I have but one confession.
I am a Lord of the Rings nerd.
Make your judgements. Envision me in elf ears and a long cloak. Are we done?
Good. So, anyway. I've pretty much been watching the Lord of the Rings trilogy non-stop for about the last... gee, I dunno.... MONTH. Yah, srsly. But, there's one aspect of it that really gets me. This is a spoiler, so if you still haven't (somehow) seen/heard of the ending of Return of the Ring, don't read until the next paragraph. Okay, so, at the end of the movie, Bilbo, Gandalf, and Frodo go on the last ship out of Middle Earth. Basically, they're going to "heaven". This strikes me on a very weird emotional level, and I don't know why. Maybe it's Sam (Sean Astin)'s acting when Frodo is saying goodbye, maybe it's the christian in me being goopy over heaven, but whatever it is, I don't like it. I don't like watching it now, even though it's a great scene. I don't like the song that plays in the credits, because it's all about the ship leaving. It just makes me really, really sad. Is this a nerd thing? This isn't making any sense. Let me try and explain myself. There's something about everyone knowing that the characters are basically going off to die. They'll be in a place where no living person can reach them, but they're still alive on the trip to that place. Maybe it's the knowledge of death that really depresses me. They're all staring death in the face, but in a subtle kind of way. I dunno. I'm not making sense, even to myself now.
On a way funnier note, I actually dreamt this weird dream where Sam (Please, stop laughing. It's my subconscious talking.) was like, waiting to let himself die. He was basically trudging along, waiting until Frodo could accept the fact that Sam needed to let go. In the dream, I was Frodo, but I wasn't really. Then, I/Frodo accepted Sam's death, and then Sam started to die. Well, my conscious mind rejected the dream so much that while watching Sam die, I actually woke myself up because my conscious mind disliked the image so much. Personally, I think this is my subconscious mind telling me there's something I need to let myself accept, but I keep holding on to it, and it just translated that to Lord of the Rings. Weird, I know. My family is thinking about kicking me out of the house to regain normalcy. Yes, I'm kidding.
I realized something else. I over think EVERYTHING. EVVVVVERRRYYYTTHHINNNGGG.
So, for the past two days, I've been putting a comfy chair out on the balcony and sitting there for at least ten minutes. But for that ten minutes, I just let my mind drift and people watch.
Seriously people, whatever you do, take some time to people watch. Watch the interactions, watch the whole action/reaction balance. It's seriously the most interesting thing I've done in a while. I do it all the time at school, so I'm pretty sure that there is a large number of people that think I'm insane. Like, "Why is she always looking at people?!"
Because of people watching at school, I've realized that we're taking ourselves WAY to seriously. Like, who really cares if Karen wore the same shirt as you? Be thankful you have a shirt. I've been feeling way detached from my generation lately. I overhear these conversations and just get sorta confused. Don't get me wrong, I'm as much a ditz as anyone else, but some days it just gets so TIRING. Like, shut up people. Stop whining. Do you really care that much that Karen wore the same shirt as you? Is it that much of an earth shattering event that you need to scream about it in public hallways and then trash her on public web sites?
Speaking of trashing people, I remember someone called me a slut and a whore in an argument before, and I literally laughed in her face. I'm the farthest thing from a whore. I spend my summers as covered up as physically possible. I've been single since birth. I haven't ever even done drugs, like fer reel. It was hilarious to me that she couldn't come up with anything better than, "SLUT!!"
It's like, oh, sluts have no interaction "like that" with males, or even clothes that expose their knees these days?! Where have I BEEN?!
Anyway. I didn't mean to spew a bunch of ranting. I meant to laugh at myself and my silly love for Lord of the Rings and fetish for Elijah Wood's eyes. (No, not a real fetish, thankyouverymuch. They are damn pretty though). On a lighter note, did you know that in Cleveland, Ohio it is illegal to catch mice without a hunting license? Wouldn't that SUCK?
Did you know the dot over the letter 'i' is called a tittle? Am I immature enough that the sentence, "You forgot the tittle!" makes me giggle? The answer, is yes. Yes I am.
On the plus-plus side, I may be going to a Blue October concert. Can we say fun? Yes, yes we can. Now, my mission to you. Go to Itunes, and buy the Blue October songs titled, "Picking Up The Pieces, and Jump Rope". Don't question me, just do it. :]