Although, my face has ceased splitting apart for the moment, so I'd thought I'd share my last few days. Okay, they've been rather uneventful, but I have to spend these precious moments doing something productive. I've been cruising other blogs, and found a very profound nugget 'o wisdom.
"No matter what horrible thing you're going through, when it's all over it only takes three seconds to sum it up."
Really, it's so true. No matter how much bad crap you go through, it's only gonna take a second to sum it all up when it's over, no matter how long the days feel during the hard times.
Dr.Phil moment over. I swear, it's the Tylenol talking. Or maybe it's the fact that I'm listening to M.I.A very quietly in the background, only catching snippets like "Bonafide hustler making my name".
I don't know what I'm blaming to explain the fact that I just caught myself staring at the curtains like they were Michael Phelps's abs. Moving on.
Lies. All. Lies.
Alright. Pain is back. Must take more Tylenol.
Must learn to form full sentences.
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