Monday, September 29, 2008

Pass the painkillers

There is a limit to what amount of pain you can put an individual through before it becomes a criminal offence. Apparently, no one told my orthodontist this, or he'd be more scared of lawsuits. I'm still whining about my "Rapid Maxillary Expander" , which is fancy orthodontist speak for "We're gonna break your face in half now!" No seriously. Google it and stare in horror.

Although, my face has ceased splitting apart for the moment, so I'd thought I'd share my last few days. Okay, they've been rather uneventful, but I have to spend these precious moments doing something productive. I've been cruising other blogs, and found a very profound nugget 'o wisdom.

"No matter what horrible thing you're going through, when it's all over it only takes three seconds to sum it up."

Really, it's so true. No matter how much bad crap you go through, it's only gonna take a second to sum it all up when it's over, no matter how long the days feel during the hard times.

Dr.Phil moment over. I swear, it's the Tylenol talking. Or maybe it's the fact that I'm listening to M.I.A very quietly in the background, only catching snippets like "Bonafide hustler making my name".

I don't know what I'm blaming to explain the fact that I just caught myself staring at the curtains like they were Michael Phelps's abs. Moving on.

In case you're staring at the picture in confusion as to what horrors I just released onto the Internet, that is pretty much the only other living creature I've seen in a while, besides my mother. And by that I mean my cat Lucy, who is now walking along the keyboard and trying to recover her dignity after her last fall off the windowsill. She looks so sweet and adorable laying beside the computer monitor.

Lies. All. Lies.

Alright. Pain is back. Must take more Tylenol.
Must learn to form full sentences.


Monday, September 22, 2008

Scarves, New Kids On The Block and Hipsters

(The header photo was taken by me, edited by me, and loved greatly by me.)

So last night pretty was pretty interesting. We took a trip down to T.O to see NEW KIDS ON THE BLOCK (obligatory fangirl squeal). Yeah, geeky I know, but hey. They had awesome merch going on. There was a House of Holland-esque black tee shirt that said something along the lines of "The Right Stuff". Yeah, I could only lust after it after realizing I was 45.00$ too poor to buy it. I wanted it bad though.

Anyway. Natasha Bedinfield opened for them, and she was surprisingly good. I used to listen to her first CD nonstop, so it was awesome to see her. And hello. British accent. Enough said. Anyone with an accent is okay in my books. So it was all fine until the kids actually got on stage.

I think I'll have permanent hearing loss due to that. When I say deafening screams, I mean, my ears are still ringing. Aside from the whole 'gonna need a hearing aid after this' the concert was really good. There was dancing (some good, some bad, teehee), wind machines, open white shirts, dancing on pianos. All in all, a good night.

Except the hipsters. Yes, I know I am the hipster age, yes I know I'm probably just as annoying as them, but I'm allowed to complain a bit. So they prance in about three rows ahead of us a few minutes before the concert starts and all is well until some music is played to pass the time. My sister and I started dancing (becuase we're idiots like that) and they all turn around and give us the Ohemgee-they're-so-uncool look. I had a moment of anger before I started dancing again. Seriously though. Lighten up.

Then the concert was over, and I conked out for the drive home. I don't remember much after getting into the car, actually...

Besides that, I feel the need to document what I woreeee, because it was the most comfortable outfit I've ever worn. I don't have any pictures of me in it, so I'll just have to explain it.

-Plaid converse
-Sparkly, long grey cardian worn buttoned halfway
-Black scoop neck tee shirt under cardigan
-Dark wash wide leg jeans
-Pink grey and black scarf

Ahh. It was lovely. This has been a fantastic way to avoid doing that short story (Still haven't started, heehee).


Getting Started

Okay. This is attempt number four at a blog. For the sake of my sanity, and that of the rest of the blogging world, this one will work!

While we're all avoiding reality together, I thought I'd introduce myself. My name is Megan, I turn sixteen on the 24th of January, I'm a writer and hopeless romantic, and I live in Canada. No, I don't own a beaver nor do I live in an igloo. (Although it'd be pretty cool if i did.)

Alright, anti-climactic intro, I know. Bear with me, I don't always sound this lame. I'm running on four hours sleep, and it's before noon. I won't be functioning properly for a while.

Anyway. I take photos like a madman, so pretty soon this here page'll get pretty cluttered with stuff. And today, I'm avoiding reality, school (Grade 10. UGH), and an english short story due soon, which I will be posting here.
