Thursday, November 20, 2008

Tonight, I become a man.

O.M.E.C. (OhMyEdwardCullen)

It's here. And I think I'm gonna wet myself.

What premiere am I going to tonight? Oh, Twilight you say? Why yes! Yes I am! I'm fully decked out and ready, even though the movie doesn't start until 10 PM. I totally have my Team Edward bracelet on and my Twilight top. It's gonna be a great, great night. I've held off from reading reviews and all that, so I don't go into it with any preconceived notions. So far, so good.

That's pretty much been all I can concentrate on, go figure. Until tonight, I'm stuffing Christmas bags with shirts and magnets. Trust me, it isn't nearly as exciting when you have over 200 to do. On the plus side, it's snowing like nobodies business outside. That in itself with make for a great day.

I think I was an Eskimo in a previous life. What else would explain my freakish love for snow and all things cold. (Except for iced coffee. Eeww.) I will be posting my review and pictures from the inevitably long lineup for the movie tomorrow. Until then, I have to hold on tight like a spider monkey.

Internet, I apologize for the above sentence. It's before 10:00 AM, and that's all the excuse I need.


Monday, November 10, 2008

Back in black (err... blue, actually)

I'm back to release my unfailing wit upon the Internet. My life has been supremely uneventful lately. Like, scarily so. The most excitement has been in the past two days.

It was my best friends birthday this weekend, so we had a small celebration in the form of an epic sleepover. We watched episodes of Dead like Me while we passed through the tired stage and into the hyper, hallucinating stage. Then, we made a half hour long video of our antics. It was about 1 in the morning before the first of us went down. It wasn't long before we were giving into our inner 9 year old and making a plan to scribble on her face. Only problem was, after inserting the eyeliner into a toy gun we'd bought (please, don't ask why. I'm wondering that myself) my friend accidentally shot the eyeliner at the ceiling and left a black smudge on her light bulb. After that, we pretty much didn't stop laughing. We went to sleep at around 3, and I (of course) woke up at 6. Bleary eyed and stumbling, we hung out for a while after that, then I went home to tend to my unwell mother.

Speaking of my mother, I don't know why, but a few years ago my sister called my mom "Mimsy Moo Moo" and it stuck. So now, she's fed up with me and my sister STILL calling her "Mim" instead of mom (Like, it's reflex now) and has taken to calling me "Mog" instead of Meg.

Pretty much, that's been my last week. Here's to a more exciting (good excitement, not bad.) week.
