Monday, September 28, 2009

What New York Used To Be

Well, it certainly has been a while, Internet. :]

Anyway. Life is back in full swing, now that the summer is over. Grade 11 is good, specifically my math class. My teacher literally used the words, "I don't want to do any math today. Talk amongst yourselves."
AWESOME. Fer serious.

Oh, watched A Hard Day's Night on Saturday. John Lennon in a tub full of bubbles? Made my life. xD

Oh, also. Some mildly good news. I won first place in a short story contest here in my hometown. No biggie, right?


Okay. I'm calm. It's okay. :P

Oh, right. Go listen to "Cobrastyle" by Robyn, and "What New York Used To Be" by the Kills. Just do it. :P


Monday, May 4, 2009

The dusty rose one was better.

TWO posts in ONE day? OH the HUMANITY! It's like I have no life!

Oh wait...

Anyway. Moving on. Today's topic, kiddies, is music. I have a weird emotional attachment to my iPod. I wish I could say that I'm kidding, but I'm not. The theft of said iPod was one of the most traumatic events of my young life. Karma smiled on me and through amazing events, it was returned to me, and I will be forever grateful. 4GBs of music is the cheapest form of therapy pour moi.

An example? You want an example of the therapeutic assets of music? Well, fine. If you want.

Okay, so I was at a camp type event a few months ago, surrounded by lots of people all the time and surviving on very little sleep. My free time was spent in a noisy cabin, again, full of lots of people. Now, don't get me wrong, except for a very small time, I had an awesome time at the event, but I digress. So, a very tired, very frustrated me has an unexpected hour to herself. I had a five minute trail that would lead straight to my cabin, but on this occasion, I opted to take the 30 minute trail.

I spent it walking at a slow pace, listening to music after a day and a half of no music. It was so cleansing, so refreshing to have some time to think and be by myself for a while, it was startling. I got back to my cabin feeling a hundred times better than when I left the conference hall. I was listening to a variety of music, but a few songs I remember specifically are "The Boogie That Be", "Anxiety" and "The APL Song", all by the Black Eyed Peas.

Anyway. That was just a long winded way to justify sharing my taste in music to the world wide web. Some songs that I've been listening to a lot:
Into the West - Annie Lennox (Shut up. I know it's a Lord Of The Rings song)
Don't Forget - Demi Levato (I know, I know. EwwwWWwwWW! Demi LEVATO Megan? REALLY? Well, really. There's actual merit to this song. Who knew?)
Gonna Get Through This - David Bedingfield (I literally two seconds ago heard this song and it was all "I used to frickin' LOVE this song!" Nostalgiaaaa.)
Say It - Blue October (Youtube it.)
Picking Up The Pieces - Blue October (Ditto.)
My Never - Blue October (This song makes me cry into my oatmeal.)
Stuck on You - Paramore (Oh Paramore. How I delight in thee.)
Give Peace a Chance - John Lennon (Because I'm a hippie. No, really.)
Dare You To Move - Switchfoot (4 words. A Walk To Remember. I need not say any more.)
Eyes on Fire - Blue Foundation (A creepy song that is perfect for dramatic moments spent walking down empty hallways. No, really. Try it.)
Esli V Serdce Zhivet Lyubov - Yulia Savicheva (An awesome Russian song. From the translated lyrics I've read, also not a bad message to it either. Good on 'ye Russia.)
Life - Yui Horie (A Japanese song this time, and as good as, or better than any English song you can throw out there. Give foreign songs a chance, people.)

Okay. I'll shut up now. :]


Tangerine temptation.

Did the title give you the wrong idea? Did it produce images of oranges bouncing along, all filled with citrus goodness and vitamin C?

Well, sorry. All you have is more verbal genius from yours truly.

Lately, I've been doing a bit of self-discovery. I'm in high school, so self discovery is practically part of the curriculum. We're expected to "find out who we are". Well, after a lovely grade 9 year spent blending into walls, I've been making up for lost time. Don't worry, I won't be delving into traumatic childhood memories, or writing any poetry.

I've realized that for me, nothing is concrete. My moods are so mercurial that sometimes it even takes me by surprise. My taste in clothes has flipped again. Just when I thought it was safe to go shopping, my fashion sense is changing again. Grade 8 was spent in skirts over jeans, band tee shirts, fingerless gloves, pink hair, and sneakers. Now, it's black on black, heels, short hair, and scarves. Tomorrow, god knows. Maybe I'll wear a skirt. (Cue collective gasps and fainting)

My views have changed wildly in the past year. Mention abortion and blood vessels start to pop in my head. Mention kids and I may get violent. I just found an old diary of mine, from when I was 12. At that point, I wanted to be a stay at home mom with two kids named Vienna Catherine and Derek Matthew. Now, I think I'm destined for a child-less life spent travelling and writing.

I'm also getting more and more detached from my generation. I just don't get it. What is the appeal of the "emo" aesthetic, and wearing your pants down by your ankles?

Now, I sound like a cantankerous old lady. Or my mother, if there's any difference between the two.

Oh, and on a special note, I just wanted to thank you, my very special father, for your ever vigilant inspecting of my spelling and grammar. Thank you for insuring that my treatment of the English language is gentle. Yeah. Y'know what? IRREGARDLIS. A fictitious word spelt WRONG.

And that's another right hook and KO'd opponent.

On the plus side, it's not supposed to rain today, and Angels and Demons is due to come out this month. With the plus side, I'm gone like last weeks meatloaf.


Wednesday, April 29, 2009

She made an illegal pass at Tony Stewart...

Bonjour. There's a french salutation to your french slop.

Sorry. Had to start things out the nerdy way. Thank you, Shakespeare, for corrupting me years and years after you're dead. Yeah, y'all know I'm gonna run off and watch Romeo and Juliet after I'm done here.

Anyway. That's beside the point. Today, I have but one confession.

I am a Lord of the Rings nerd.

Make your judgements. Envision me in elf ears and a long cloak. Are we done?

Good. So, anyway. I've pretty much been watching the Lord of the Rings trilogy non-stop for about the last... gee, I dunno.... MONTH. Yah, srsly. But, there's one aspect of it that really gets me. This is a spoiler, so if you still haven't (somehow) seen/heard of the ending of Return of the Ring, don't read until the next paragraph. Okay, so, at the end of the movie, Bilbo, Gandalf, and Frodo go on the last ship out of Middle Earth. Basically, they're going to "heaven". This strikes me on a very weird emotional level, and I don't know why. Maybe it's Sam (Sean Astin)'s acting when Frodo is saying goodbye, maybe it's the christian in me being goopy over heaven, but whatever it is, I don't like it. I don't like watching it now, even though it's a great scene. I don't like the song that plays in the credits, because it's all about the ship leaving. It just makes me really, really sad. Is this a nerd thing? This isn't making any sense. Let me try and explain myself. There's something about everyone knowing that the characters are basically going off to die. They'll be in a place where no living person can reach them, but they're still alive on the trip to that place. Maybe it's the knowledge of death that really depresses me. They're all staring death in the face, but in a subtle kind of way. I dunno. I'm not making sense, even to myself now.

On a way funnier note, I actually dreamt this weird dream where Sam (Please, stop laughing. It's my subconscious talking.) was like, waiting to let himself die. He was basically trudging along, waiting until Frodo could accept the fact that Sam needed to let go. In the dream, I was Frodo, but I wasn't really. Then, I/Frodo accepted Sam's death, and then Sam started to die. Well, my conscious mind rejected the dream so much that while watching Sam die, I actually woke myself up because my conscious mind disliked the image so much. Personally, I think this is my subconscious mind telling me there's something I need to let myself accept, but I keep holding on to it, and it just translated that to Lord of the Rings. Weird, I know. My family is thinking about kicking me out of the house to regain normalcy. Yes, I'm kidding.

I realized something else. I over think EVERYTHING. EVVVVVERRRYYYTTHHINNNGGG.
So, for the past two days, I've been putting a comfy chair out on the balcony and sitting there for at least ten minutes. But for that ten minutes, I just let my mind drift and people watch.

Seriously people, whatever you do, take some time to people watch. Watch the interactions, watch the whole action/reaction balance. It's seriously the most interesting thing I've done in a while. I do it all the time at school, so I'm pretty sure that there is a large number of people that think I'm insane. Like, "Why is she always looking at people?!"

Because of people watching at school, I've realized that we're taking ourselves WAY to seriously. Like, who really cares if Karen wore the same shirt as you? Be thankful you have a shirt. I've been feeling way detached from my generation lately. I overhear these conversations and just get sorta confused. Don't get me wrong, I'm as much a ditz as anyone else, but some days it just gets so TIRING. Like, shut up people. Stop whining. Do you really care that much that Karen wore the same shirt as you? Is it that much of an earth shattering event that you need to scream about it in public hallways and then trash her on public web sites?

Speaking of trashing people, I remember someone called me a slut and a whore in an argument before, and I literally laughed in her face. I'm the farthest thing from a whore. I spend my summers as covered up as physically possible. I've been single since birth. I haven't ever even done drugs, like fer reel. It was hilarious to me that she couldn't come up with anything better than, "SLUT!!"

It's like, oh, sluts have no interaction "like that" with males, or even clothes that expose their knees these days?! Where have I BEEN?!

Anyway. I didn't mean to spew a bunch of ranting. I meant to laugh at myself and my silly love for Lord of the Rings and fetish for Elijah Wood's eyes. (No, not a real fetish, thankyouverymuch. They are damn pretty though). On a lighter note, did you know that in Cleveland, Ohio it is illegal to catch mice without a hunting license? Wouldn't that SUCK?

Did you know the dot over the letter 'i' is called a tittle? Am I immature enough that the sentence, "You forgot the tittle!" makes me giggle? The answer, is yes. Yes I am.

On the plus-plus side, I may be going to a Blue October concert. Can we say fun? Yes, yes we can. Now, my mission to you. Go to Itunes, and buy the Blue October songs titled, "Picking Up The Pieces, and Jump Rope". Don't question me, just do it. :]


Tuesday, March 24, 2009

I don't see nothin' wrong.

So, as we can all see, Avoiding Reality has undergone some changes. Meaning, it's way better now.

As for reality, our move went smoothly (and somewhat painfully). The new place is awesome, and I'll leave it at that. I won't mention the brain explosions my mother warned me she was going to have after going TWO weeks without internet or cable, when we were supposed to have them three days after we moved. Do you know what I had to do for entertainment. It involved hula hoops, tumbleweeds and my cat.

It wasn't pretty.

I rely on technology like Donald Trump relies on money. Or, Chuck Norris relies on roundhouse kicks. I cannot go a day without internet, and when I'm forced to, I become like a two year old. I whine, and kick, and lay on the floor cry.

Okay, maybe not that serious, but my drift has been caught. 

However, all has been resolved and I'm once again watching T.V and surfing the interwebz. Ain't life grand?

Oh, and here's a daily nugget of wisdom to tuck into your cerebral cortex. Always, ALWAYS order the cheesecake. Chew on that. :]

( P.S. The new header picture is still a photo of mine. Steal it and I steal you. :] )


Tuesday, February 17, 2009

It speaks to the continential corporate America at large.

It's funny the things people say on T.V these days.

Anyway. I was surprised to find myself at a church retreat all weekend, and even more surprised at the events that transpired there. Who knew church camp included hyms, bible verses and ruined relationships. I won't go into any detail, but to all the men in the world:

You are a frustrating and infuriating gender, no matter how adorable you are.

This has been a message from yours truly.

Also, the worst part of all this is that the second party is really nice, so I can't even hate her. It makes it much harder to be bitter.

On another note, being 16 is cool. So much is opened to you, and you can justify it with three words and a number. "It's because I'm 16."

Driving to do list:
-Find car

-Find adult willing to teach me to drive
-Find an empty stretch of pavement that I can't injure anything on

I've been busy packing, to make the hard, grueling move to the building next door. The short distance almost makes it more obnoxious. However, the move is very very very needed. Like, even though I'd rather get roundhouse kicked to the face by Chuck Norris than move, I know that we need to go go goooo.

I literally just sat here for a full minute trying to figure out what's wrong with me. You know that feeling where theres a lead weight on your chest, and you can't do anything but lay there and hope for relief? Kinda like theres static in your ears and you can't hear anything around it? I got it baddd. I've been in a slump lately. Nothing seems to be going right, and even during good situations, it feels like I can't even enjoy it. Maybe I'm going crazy. Probably because I'm 16.

Maybe when we've moved and that big dark looming cloud of stress is gone I'll feel better.

the plus side? Well, I don't really have a plus side, so here's some Chuck Norris jokes. I'm gonna go cry into my ramen now.

-There is no 'ctrl' button on Chuck Norris's computer. Chuck Norris is always in control.
-Apple pays Chuck Norris 99 cents every time he listens to a song.

-Chuck Norris destroyed the periodic table, because he only recognizes the element of surprise.

-Chuck Norris uses pepper spray to spice up his steaks.

-Chuck Norris can kill two stones with one bird.

-Chuck Norris is the reason why Waldo is hiding.

-Chuck Norris sold his soul to the devil for his rugged good looks and unparalleled martial arts ability. Shortly after the transaction was finalized, Chuck roundhouse kicked the devil in the face and took his soul back. The devil, who appreciates irony, couldn't stay mad and admitted he should have seen it coming. They now play poker every second Wednesday of the month.

-Chuck Norris has already been to Mars; that's why there are no signs of life there.

-Chuck Norris is currently suing NBC, claiming Law and Order are trademarked names for his left and right legs.

-Chuck Norris is what Willis was talking about

-If you have five dollars and Chuck Norris has five dollars, Chuck Norris has more money than you.

-When Chuck Norris had surgery, the anesthesia was applied to the doctors.

-Chuck Norris can touch MC Hammer.

-When Chuck Norris crosses the street, the cars have to look both ways.

-Chuck Norris can beat the sun in a staring contest.

-When Chuck Norris runs with scissors other people get hurt.

-Chuck Norris frequently donates blood to the Red Cross. Just never his own.

Okay I'll stop.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Don't choke now.


That was my pervy smile upon the Internet world.

It is now a snowy, cold, generally miserable January the twenty second. I'm in the middle of exams now, so I've been teetering on the edge of insanity for the past week. On the plus side, there's only one left. If I can make it through tomorrow, I may escape with my sanity. Probably not, but it's worth a shot.

My Christmas holidays were some of the best yet. Best friend visited from K-TOWNNN (aka Kingston), saw the fam and got a new phone. Hide your cellphones now. They're about to get very jealous. Or, as my sister types, jealious.

You're welcome.

It's small things like this that bring me such joy. And by small, I don't mean literally, although I do enjoy the odd dwarf on occasion.

I wish I had more fantastic tales of worldwide travel and interesting sights, but my life is unfortunately, forever boring. Hopefully, there will be more to write about once exams are done and I forget everything I studied the past semester.
